Friday, June 3, 2011

Different between Mortal Kombat and Marvel vs Capcom 3

Obviously these two are fantastic games, but both are completely different from one another. Literally they are like night and day from each other. Both having deep and complex combos and offering a wide variety of characters and extra modes to keep the game interesting. Here are some pros, cons, and differences between the two.

I will start off with Marvel vs. Capcom 3 first. MVC3 uses 3D characters on a 3D plain, making the characters really pop out with really bright colors. Now some people see this as a good thing or a bad thing, there are only 32 characters compared to its previous game that had 50 something odd characters. I personally don't have a problem with it simply because I honestly did not use all 50 characters; I used maybe 3 people, that’s it. If you are a Marvel fan, they have pretty much of all the characters you would think that are in the game. Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Wolverine, Dead Pool, and others. Once I heard Zero from the Megaman series was in the game that is all I needed to here. I am more of a Capcom fan. Now what is really easy about this game is to fight, it is just 3 button, light, medium and hard attack. Of course that means there is going to be a lot of button mashing. You clearly could tell when someone is button mashing and when someone know what they are doing. What I recommend doing before going online (if you do plan on going online) pick your, what I call "A" team. Pick three people who you plan on becoming really good with, and do not change it up. I feel it is better to play with three people all the time, then try use everyone and not have a specific character for you. Here is a video review for MVC

Now Mortal Kombat is an amazing game as well! I don't however have this game, but I could easily see myself getting this game simply because of the fatalities. I have always liked Mortal Kombat I have just never been quite good at the game. I am not going to lie, I like the easy controller of MVC, because all it is light, medium and hard buttons. It is a different story for MK, each character as different set of button controls. You may be good with Scorpion, but you will have no idea how to use Sub-Zero. One would say that people love that aspect of the game because it widens the gap of people who know how to play and people who don't, meaning there is a lot more skill in a game like MK. From what I remember, each character has about 4 fatalities and one babalitie (means you can turn an enemy into a baby). There is more of a story-line in MK as well, understanding where the character comes from, makes the story that much better. In MVC the story was very vague. Two groups from different universe's collide for and ultimate battle......that the story. Another video review for Mortal Kombat

Well thats it guys, let me know what you think! Which one do you like more?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Turtle Beach or Tritton Headsets

Today this article we are going to talk about the two (in my mind) main brands for headsets for all of your gaming system. The Turtle Beach's and Tritton's, we are going to go in order in each editions by price. The Turtle beach X11, X21, X31, X41 and PX5's and the Tritton AX180, AX360 , and AX Pro's. Some are of course a lot more efficient then others and some are just flat out too expensive, let's check them out:

Turtle Beach: 

These headsets are $45.99 (give or take from different stores), it uses amplified stereo audio game sound now, and only working with it Xbox and PC. It is true that these headset make you able to hear people using ninja in C.O.D and/or hear someone reloading in the distance. One would highly recommend these headsets rather then that Microsoft headset you get with the Xbox, which in my experience only last 3-4 months until you need a new one. I have heard though that after playing for a long time the speakers get hot and thus making your ears get to as well and the durability is questionable too. I have had numerous customers come to me and had to by a new one. Then again I do not how well he takes care of his headsets.

The price around these is $59.99, still this edition of Turtle Beach still offers around stereo audio sound but also offering the capability of using them on any system (PS3, 360 and PC). The X21's also let you have more customization for sound, meaning you can add more bass, chat boost and even stereo expander. Still being able to hear everything during in-game, reloads, and ninja perks. However there is technically there is nothing really wrong with this headset, some people may not like all the cords which is does have a lot of.

From what I am seeing, this is just a wireless alternative to the PX21. The price of these are around $79.99 and when I mean wireless, I mean wireless from the system. There are still a couple things you have to connect to the Xbox of course. and because if it wireless, the main thing I have had problems with is that it interferes with WI-FI connections in the house. If you do not mind paying the extra 20 or perhaps 30 dollars for the wireless connectivity.

Now these headsets offer Dolby Digital 7.1 Surround Sound, so I cannot even describe how awesome it sounds. For around $139.99 when you are playing a game like C.O.D. , Halo, or Battlefield. These headset is wireless excepts for th power cable of course. Some problems that a lot of people experience is that is interferes with other wireless devices. Another thing is it requires 2 AA batteries. Im starting to think it might be better to get the wired headsets just to avoid wireless connectivity.

I have yet to heard anything wrong with this headset other then the price of these bad boys.....$249.99!!! If you are ballin' go right ahead and fork over that kind of money. Offering complete wireless capability, Dolby Digital Surround Sound, and working on every gaming system including the Wii. Nothing but good reviews for this headset so far.


Estimated to around $69.99, I will point out that all of th Tritton headsets are compatibly for every system making it very convenient for the number of systems you have. The sound quality is precision stereo sound The only problem however is all the wiring, but as i was saying earlier is might be less stressful to have all the wires then deal with wireless connection problems, or maybe you have a sick ass connection speed, it is all your choice. 

$129.99 for this headset giving you Dolby 5.1 surround sound and of course with the ability to use it on all of your systems (except Wii). Some people have complained about them being to heavy, but also i have heard people say they have no pain at all. I guess it depends on your neck size lol. I have heard this headset is extreme durable simply because of it shell protection. Still having a lot of cables for this one.

In my opinion I feel like this headset, your are getting the most for your money. For around $169.99 you are of course getting 7.1 surround sound, (there are 8 separate speakers in each headset) with complete customization as far as the sound. Again people have complained about the size and heaviness but honestly i think most people will be fin with th size, you can even use them for music, assuming you wanted to use them for

My choice is the AX PRO Tritton headset, i really do not mind about all the cords as long as I do not have to worry about the wireless problems, plus they do look pretty sick, not cool enough to wear around class the listen to music though. I also like the durability. If there is a certain headset that you would like to know, just let me know. Thank guys!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Call O' Duty, Battlefield 3, and Brink News- Tuesday May 31

Hey guys and gals,

First order of business, Brink Stats site now online. I registered my gamer tag to see how I've been doing on the Ark and to be honest I was a little confused and disappointed at the Brink stats page. It of course shows you how long you have played, most played class, most played gun, total xp, xp gained as each class, total kills, etc. Clan options are still not active and no update on when that will be released has been quoted yet. It was interesting to see which side, Security or Resistance, was in control of the playable regions of the Ark (the seven playable maps) for the day and week. Each week, the side with the most wins becomes that weeks winner. As far as I could tell, no gains are sown from such victory... Overall, a nice stats site; no real strategic purpose yet but as soon as clan options come out and players are able to play other clans in ladders and tournaments, it may become a much more utilized tool.

Battlefield 3- Exclusive! EA goes to Sweden and talks with the makers or the new Frostbite 2.0 engine and blows the minds of gamers all over the world. If any of you were skeptical of BF3 being better than MW3, PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO. I don't need to argue anymore; Dice and EA are doing fine on their own.

(Here is the first set of 3 teasers put together for BF3 in case some of you have not seen it.)

COD: Modern Warfare 3- Call of Duty "Elite" has been announced today. To simplify what this new tool for COD [Black Ops, MW3, and future COD titles] players is, it will be a subscribe-able (yes, I said it) stat-logging, heat-mapping, clan-tracking, tourny-setting ability for those who chose to pay for the addendum to the franchise. If anyone is familiar with Halo's, it will be very7 similar but with some drastic upgrades. As I hinted at, it will have all the basics that video game stat sites allow their users to play with including total xp gained, time played, time with each gun, time played on each map, wins/losses, heat maps, etc. Also it will allow players to have meaningful clans, not just 4 letters next to each person's gamer tag. Clans will be allowed to play one another and host competitions, accomplish achievements, etc; do what clans should be doing. As for the average gamer, I do not think many people will opt to pay for such a service, unless the cost is considerably low and offers prizes or other benefits that would be worth the price. Below is a link to the G4 article explaining more in Call of Duty Elite!

Stay frosty, my friends...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Infamous 2

If you haven't played the first one you're not really missing out as far as the story is concerned. The gaming engine for the game seems to be updated greatly since the first one as well. You still play the character from the first game (Cole) who has the ability to control electricity. However this time it is set in a New Orleans based city. To strengthen his abilities, he needs to find the Ray Sphere which is believed to have started everything and given everyone their abilities (or their problem).The main problem with the first game however is that it was very repetitive and because of that it made the game boring. However Infamous 2 developers announced that it will not be no where near as repetitive as the first one.

 Regardless this game looks pretty good. A open world environment with the power to control electricity. I'd be zappin' everyone for whatever reason I want. One thing that is really cool to point out is that there is a good and bad way to finish the game. Based off your actions it determines what side you end up joining, it also changes the way you look.  From what I understand it also depends on what future abilities you may or may not learn (fire or ice). I have actually got a chance to play the demo at Bestbuy in the video game department on the PS3. With all the freedom that Cole gets to have, I can tell this game is going to have a high replay value( if you do all the side-quests). Here is a link to see a video of Infamous 2:

E3 Baby! 2011


so most gamers know E3 2011 is this next week, June 6-9, and ALOT of exciting information about upcoming games will be released. G4 has a decent list of games they have confirmed will be shown off and some they speculate will be announced as well.

Confirmed games:

  • COD: Modern Warfare 3

  • The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

  • Bioshock Infinite

  • Batman: Arkham City

  • Battlefield 3

  • Mass Effect 3

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic

  • Assassins Creed: Revelations

Speculated to Appear:

  • Diablo 3

  • Halo 4????/ Bungie's first non-Halo game

  • Rage

  • Soul Caliber 5

  • Resident Evil: Raccoon City

  • Borderlands 2

  • GTA 5


Comparatively, I care more about a Half-life announcement more than MW3, Skyrim, and Battlefield 3 combined! Half-life is the series that started it all for me back when it had just came out and my brother, with me sitting on the bed next to him, would play and figure the game out together.

Bungie was quoted after Reach came out saying that they are done with Halo. They have given it what they wanted and made the best games they could and are now moving onto bigger and better things. Its surprising (actually, no its not) that Bungie MAY go back on what they were saying and possibly add another piece to the Halo series. Last time I had looked into what Bungie was working on, they were fooling around and getting into some trouble with their game titled "Destiny". This game may have been a hoax or joke but either way a big announcement is expected from them, if nothing at E3, on July 7th, "Bungie Day".

L.A Noire

When i first heard about this game, i was a little skeptical at first, reason being, even though it is a Rockstar (people who made G.T.A 3 and 4) game, i was not really into that detective/1940's type game. Though as it got closer to release i said to myself, "oh i try it anyway".  One if the greatest I ever decided to pick up!This game apparently had over 500 actors in this game and im not talking about voice actor, the game has this new engine to pick up every pick of facial recognition. You will actually notice a lot of actors in this game, for example if you ever watched the TV series "heroes" the cop that could read mind, he is in this game as a suspect for his wife dying.

Your name is Cole Phelps and you are a veteran from Vietnam who won the sliver star and you have come back  to continue your work as a cop in L.A. Now this is not like any other G.T.A game where you can do whatever you want. YOU ARE A GOOD COP! Meaning you cant run over people (you can but it would hurt your case rating) or gun out your gun and shoot someone for no reason. The only time you are allowed you gun is your are chasing a suspect or they started shooting you first. When you first start the game you are only a patrol cop and you raise up in the ranks by performing well on your cases. The ranks are Patrol Cop, Traffic Detective, Homicide Detective, Vice Detective and last is Arsen Detective. What is really cool about L.A Noire is everything is based off you. For example, a crime seen with a naked female dead body ( real case) you have to search around th crime scene to find any relevant evidence that can help you in the case. If you miss the murder weapon, or could not find that one piece of evidence that can tie that person to the scene. You might be sending the wrong person to jail, you may asking the wrong questions. ultimately messing up the whole case in general.

When you are interrogating someone in L.A Noire is can sometimes be easy (based on the evidence you have) or can be extreme difficult. Like i said earlier, there are over 500 actors in this game. Every actors was had about 6 cameras surrounding their whole head and face to get every piece of emotion they displaced. For example, you asked a suspect where we was act last night and he gives you a response. You ave to figure out if he is lying to you are not. Even the slightest thing can give him away, if he looks left every time he answers you, if he can't look at you in the eyes, anything can give him away. This is all based off you, they give you three choices to figure out if they are lying to you not. Truth of course-meaning they are telling you the truth, Doubt, meaning you know they are lying, but you don't have the evidence. Lying th last choice, but when you accused them of lying you ALWAYS have to back it up with evidence.

I recommend anyone this who likes Law and Order + Grand Theft Auto games, because this is exactly what kind of game this is. I will say this, the ending really pissed me

I soon realized i could not put HD video on our site, so here is a link of a video so you guys can have a beter quality vids. Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


This is without a doubt, a one-of-a-kind game.  They mixed what is called, Parkour (Parkour is acrobatic free running through urban environments) and an First-Person Shooter (FPS). All of the Parkour is done with one button, making it very simple to get the hang of. Of course there are some similarities to it as far as the class system. By that I mean the 4 separate classes you choose pick to determine what kind of a player you are. Soldier is of course the class that handles all of the demolitions and ammunitions for the group. Soldiers take care of exploding barricades and resupply his teammates in battle. The Engineer class are responsible for anything that requires repairing, Engineers also are able to increase your teammates weapon damage up 30 percent. The Operative is the kind of class that flanks the enemy team with their disguises. They are the only class that can disguises as the enemy team, they will look exactly like your teammates. They can remain like that for as long as they want, unless of course you can figure out if they are on your team or not by shooting them. If you were not to shoot them, the only way for them to be detected is for them to shoot first. Last but not least the Medic class, I think the name says it all for what the medic does. They are responsible for making sure you have health and to revive you as well.

What is really nice about this game they fixed a lot of problems that were in other shooters. As much as I love Battlefield Bad Company 2, but I could not stand how medic's would revive me knowing that as soon as a got up I was going to die again. JUST LET ME RE-SPAWN BACK AT THE What Brink does it the same thing but solving that exact problem. Instead of medic using a defibrillator to revive, they just throw you a syringe and you get up when it is good for you(within the time limit before you dying of course). Another thing in Bad Company 2 (in the begining) is that the weapons were class specific, meaning an engineer could not use a sniper rifle. Brink does not have that problem, you can have any weapon you want. If you want to sniper rifles and your primary and secondary weapon, go right ahead. What might throw off a couple of gamer for this game is that there is not regular team deathmatch, meaning the whole online multiplayer is objective based. For example capture and protect the V.I.P and/or destroy the barricade, games like that. Possibly another negative factor is that the campaign is extremely short, you will literally beat it in one sitting. I feel like that game is meant for multiplayer. If you plan on getting this game, I highly recommend a couple of friend get it without as well, just because this game is very team oriented.

Over all the game is very good, the online multiplayer is amazing, the campaign good other then it being very short.  Numerous websites gave the game rating score between 6 and 8.5. Again convince a couple of your friend to get this game without simply because try to work as a team with people you have never met online and be very frustrating. That's just from my experience,here is a video so you can see the Parkour I'm talking about:

Star Wars: The Old Republic- Through the Eyes of a Wow Player

Star Wars: The Old Republic... Possibly the most anticipated MMORPG to come out since the release Of World of Warcraft almost seven years ago. Some may even say this game will be a WOW killer, but having played World of Warcraft very religiously, such statments may or may not be true.

To give a short back story, I started playing WOW in high school at the recommendation of some close friends. The first expansion pack, The Burning Crusade, had just came out and the only real in-depth RPG I had played was The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind for the Xbox. After a few weeks of learning the ropes and getting aquainted with the very mathmatical layers of the gameplay, I can easily say I was addicted to the complexity the game had to offer. A few months later, I had a level capped character and was learning the mechanics of how my actions influence the survival of other players through my role when working toward a common objective (raids). I played straight through Burning Crusade and the begining of the following expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. Eventually, after many patches and updates, I decided to relinquish my affiliation with possibly the best MMO of our time due to the feeling of forgotten laborious tactics. Blizzard had always been trying to make the game more compatible with casual players and for me, it got to the point where the things I had worked so hard to get in the past were now being handed out in goodie bags for free...

Now that we have my WOW back story, lets discuss SWTOR. When the first trailer/teaser came out for this game, it had every one who even had a light interest in Star Wars shitting in their pants. E3 2009 was the viewers first look into what was in store of those who chose to pick it up. Recently, the official website of the game,, has been releasing character class trailers and other interesting tid-bits about their upcoming masterpiece.

As a gaming individual who was dedicated to WOW previously, I find myself comparing these two games, as they will be the MMO heavy-hitters for the indefinite future.

The first concept of SWTOR that Id like to talk about is the story. I find it interesting that released information so far yields that the story actually plays a role in your character's quest and what options your character will be able to do at any given time. As it is made by Bioware, this is somewhat to be expected; Bioware also is the developer of Mass Effect and Dragon Age, which are all player choice driven games. For those who do not know, most RPG games don't force you to make choices that cannot be taken back to the extreme that SWTOR is about to take it. Sure, in other games, you may have to chose which one of two factions you will align yourself with, but these types of choices will be presented to players in TOR much more often. WOW, for example, does not very often force players to make such choices. They use a strategy in which the player must grind for days to build the reputation with such factions to eventually gain all of their favor.

This of course is not a negative aspect of the game, but it will be unique to most games in this genre. For the most part, MMORPGs make players take numerous quests and complete them, and it is not necessary for the player to know why they must go and do these mundane tasks for their NPC. Most players talk to an NPC, click accept and go about their business, and the next time they are in an area where they can complete a quest, they do as such. You can literally play through WOW and not have ANY outcome that cannot be overturned or redone. Most quests can only be done once, of course, but the quests that make you choose allegiance of have long lasting affects and usually be redone.

Another interesting aspect of SWTOR is that almost all class roles overlap in some way. Bioware did not want players unable to venture into the SW universe because they are unable to find a player that will heal them through their battles. That is why they made ever class able to heal, as well as dps, or tank. This will drastically cut down on time of players spamming in chat to find a geared healer or tank when DPS classes are a dime in a dozen. Alternativly, WOW class roles are very strict. If a player is a Warrior, that player has 2 choices of roles, either Tank or DPS; a warrior has never and most likely will never be a viable healer by any means. This can add frustration when forming a group or a raid, but adds another level of complexity by placing stress on everyone's skill with their own player and his/her roles. In my own opinion, I would prefer class roles to be strict, due to the opportunity of less skilled players to be carries by higher skilled players by taking on numerous class roles in one setting. I believe your job should be difficult enough by itself. If you fail, your group has a greatly increased chance of failure as well. But in SWTOR, this most likely will not be the case, if a healer fails to heal and dies, a ranged DPS class will be able to heal the group as well as continuing to DPS the targets on hand. To one that does not play MMO-style games, he may suggest that it is Overpowered.

Final thought on the concept of class roles: SWTOR may be too dumbed-down for some players taste, but it adds a higher playability for the casual players.

I apologize for the grammatical and spelling errors as it is late. But I leave you with the trailer I discussed earlier.
