Sunday, May 29, 2011


This is without a doubt, a one-of-a-kind game.  They mixed what is called, Parkour (Parkour is acrobatic free running through urban environments) and an First-Person Shooter (FPS). All of the Parkour is done with one button, making it very simple to get the hang of. Of course there are some similarities to it as far as the class system. By that I mean the 4 separate classes you choose pick to determine what kind of a player you are. Soldier is of course the class that handles all of the demolitions and ammunitions for the group. Soldiers take care of exploding barricades and resupply his teammates in battle. The Engineer class are responsible for anything that requires repairing, Engineers also are able to increase your teammates weapon damage up 30 percent. The Operative is the kind of class that flanks the enemy team with their disguises. They are the only class that can disguises as the enemy team, they will look exactly like your teammates. They can remain like that for as long as they want, unless of course you can figure out if they are on your team or not by shooting them. If you were not to shoot them, the only way for them to be detected is for them to shoot first. Last but not least the Medic class, I think the name says it all for what the medic does. They are responsible for making sure you have health and to revive you as well.

What is really nice about this game they fixed a lot of problems that were in other shooters. As much as I love Battlefield Bad Company 2, but I could not stand how medic's would revive me knowing that as soon as a got up I was going to die again. JUST LET ME RE-SPAWN BACK AT THE What Brink does it the same thing but solving that exact problem. Instead of medic using a defibrillator to revive, they just throw you a syringe and you get up when it is good for you(within the time limit before you dying of course). Another thing in Bad Company 2 (in the begining) is that the weapons were class specific, meaning an engineer could not use a sniper rifle. Brink does not have that problem, you can have any weapon you want. If you want to sniper rifles and your primary and secondary weapon, go right ahead. What might throw off a couple of gamer for this game is that there is not regular team deathmatch, meaning the whole online multiplayer is objective based. For example capture and protect the V.I.P and/or destroy the barricade, games like that. Possibly another negative factor is that the campaign is extremely short, you will literally beat it in one sitting. I feel like that game is meant for multiplayer. If you plan on getting this game, I highly recommend a couple of friend get it without as well, just because this game is very team oriented.

Over all the game is very good, the online multiplayer is amazing, the campaign good other then it being very short.  Numerous websites gave the game rating score between 6 and 8.5. Again convince a couple of your friend to get this game without simply because try to work as a team with people you have never met online and be very frustrating. That's just from my experience,here is a video so you can see the Parkour I'm talking about:

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