Xbox Press Conference Summary
To start of the festivities that are E3, Xbox had their conference to foreshadow coming products in the coming year and a half. Now, we all know about the Halo news so Ill skip that today.
The big showcase for Microsoft was, of course, the Kinect. With some interesting new additions to the possibilities on how Kinect can be integrated into more hardcore games, Microsoft took a lot of hardcore gamers, who originally wrote the kinect off, by surprise and made them reconsider whether or to add the Kinect to their gaming stations.
Among the "WOW" factors for the Kinect are the seemly flawless voice integration. Now with compatible games, players can order AI teamates to "Move up" or "Fall back" and "cover me" etc. Also a player can now say lines in the game, not just select them and watch their character comrades react. If you are given a choice to ask 2 different questions, all that is required is you to say one of the two questions and your voice will be immediately integrated, giving you a better feeling of immersion into the game and a deeper bond with your character and you allies. You are not just playing the main protagonist, you are the main protagonist.
This is not the only new addition to the Kinect platform. You are now able to play games, such as Future Solider with a controller. By pointing at targets with one arm, you are aiming the weapon in game; to fire your weapon, all that's needed is to open the hand of the other arm in which you are aiming with. To change from primary to secondary weapons, just throw your arm over your shoulder, as it your new weapon is on a sling currently on your back.
The Xbox dashboard is now becoming a much more meaningful place in regard to other topics besides gaming. Bing, YouTube and live TV will all be available from the dashboard this fall, making the Dash a command station for all your entertainment desires.
Nintendo Press Conference Summary
Nintendo's press conference just finish about 30 minutes ago and along with many additional games being developed for the 3DS, the new console was announce, titled the "Wii U".
The Wii U can be compared to a 3DS, but without the completely portable feature. The Wii U features a completely wireless controller with its own screen between the joysticks and buttons. The controller also features a camera, a microphone, and speakers.
With all this additional hardware, the U can be used in a wide variety of new ways. If someone wants to come in and use the big screen TV to watch a movie, the U controller can take the place of the television so you do not have to stop playing. For games where developers are taking advantage of the 2 screens (being the television and the controller screen), the player can have 2 different vantage points for what is happening in game. For example, for those playing Mariokart, the TV will display your character, time, laps, etc; the basics... The Will U controller will allow you too see from a bird's eye view where all your opponents are on the track. If one is playing Zelda, the television is the main screen, with all the battles, characters, etc.... But the controller will display your items, ready for you to use with one touch.
Final Thought
Xbox and Nintendo brought very impressive demonstrations for existing and new products, but is the new Wii U an item that will drive hardcore gamers to buy Nintendo products again? I will defiantly agree with Nintendo in their claims to widen the array of people that play games, but I do not think they are adding any deeper levels of immersion for those already dedicated to more hardcore products and developers.
It seems Xbox is continuing to develop more for the moderate to serious gamer, while still offering a lot to the casual field of players as well. But I fear Nintendo is only drawing in new gamers, such as children, females and adults who haven't had interest in video games before. In time, those "new" gamers will either be happy with the level of gaming that Nintendo offers, but more likely, many of those players will desire more titles, better graphics, and over a more complete gaming experience, driving them straight into Microsoft and Sony's loving arms...
Below are both the Microsoft and Nintendo press conferences.
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